“Departure was supervised by Khokimiyat’s officials, the Syrdarya prosecution office and police”
There are almost 4 000 students and more than 350 teachers working and studying at the Gulistan State University. Based on an order of the university principal on 8-9 September 2016, all students and teachers from 1st to 4th grade gathered up next to the university campus to depart for cotton harvest, being transported by busses in groups. Students were released from attending classes a day prior to the mobilization to carry out the needed preparations. Students were instructed to make the usual preparations as it has been done in previous years. Their departure was supervised on 8 and 9 September by regional Khokimiyat’s officials, representatives from the Syrdarya prosecution office and the militsiya (police).
All departing students have been put on a list. The mobilization process was overseen by the faculty deans. Teachers and faculty deans were made responsible for organizing the forced mobilization of students who did not have a valid reason for not attending.
University students were sent off to the Boyovut district in the Syrdarya region for picking cotton. In fact, they were allocated to different areas of the district. Students had to bring bed linen, mattresses, clothes and other required stuff themselves.
Those pictures were made at school in the Boyovut district where the students of the Social-economical Faculty of the Gulistan State University are positioned.