“People who do not fulfill the cotton quota are imprisoned in kennels at the local police office”

“The Khokim of the Chinaz district Makhmud Eshonov, the head of the Chinaz district police Temurov and the Prosecutor of the Chinaz district Damir Makhmudov use repressive means to force people to pick cotton.

Even though cotton picking is considered a voluntary practice, unit leaders and the of organizations in the Chinaz district who do not fulfill the assigned cotton quota are detained in kennels at the local police office. They are usually imprisoned for one day. They even bring women to the local police station to make them sign explanation letters. Women are kept at the police station until 2 am.

However, not any farmer was exposed to such kind of punishments at all. What is that? Can we call this Mr. Mirziyoev’s repressions? We are turning into a second North Korea!”

Source: Radio Ozodlik